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Coaching Glossary
- ; eng - Like any new technology, the field of coaching has developed a vocabulary all its own. We are providing some basic definitions that you may encounter in your "coaching education" and understanding.
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360-Degree Feedback (or Evaluations, Assessments, Reviews)
- ; eng - Refers to a process in which data is collected from multiple sources or multiple raters surrounding the person being assessed. Respondents may include self, supervisor, reporting employees, peers, and, in some cases vendors/clients. Applications include performance appraisal, professional development, succession planning, assessing organizational climate, and targeted competency areas specific to the individual being assessed.
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- ; eng - What are you going to do? By when will you do this? How will I know? It does NOT include blame or judgment!
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- ; eng - Keeping your word, being on time, doing what you say you will do.
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Annual Goals
- ; eng - What you want to achieve with in a year from now.
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- ; eng - A measurement process or tool of the performance, knowledge, learning, or other measurable qualities of a person, position, or named subject that has either taken place or can take place. Usually measured against stated outcomes.
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Attainment testing
- ; eng - Tool to measure what a person knows or can do, and is usually related to the stated goals of a course or training the person has undertaken.
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Authentic Self
- ; eng - Being connected to your inner wisdom, knowing what’s most important to you, and fully living your life attuned to and aligned with your highest values.
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Awareness training
- ; eng - Training used to disseminate information that provides an individual with the basic knowledge/understanding of a policy, program, or system.
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- ; eng - A dynamic, always-in-motion process. Clients either move toward balance or away from it through the decisions they make in their life. Coaching is designed to steer clients towards balance in key life areas like: career, money, relationships, romance, personal growth, health, physical surroundings, fun & recreation. If one or more areas are receiving attention at the expense of the others, life will feel “bumpy” and unbalanced.
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- ; eng - Balance is integration of awareness, conscious choice and patience.
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- ; eng - A skill of brevity and succinctness. Getting to the essence of communication rather than engaging in long descriptive stories. Bottom-lining is necessary to make the best use of each coaching call.
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Career Coaching
- ; eng - Coaching that focuses on work and career transitions, or issues around careers.
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- ; eng - A request that you stretch way beyond your self-imposed limits. The only acceptable replies to a challenge are: Yes, No, or a Counteroffer
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- ; eng - Doing a little bit of a big project or on-going job for an allotted amount of time--5, 10, 30 minutes. Breaking things down in appropriate amounts in order to handle a process with ease.
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- ; eng - Sometimes life presents us with challenges that interfere with our ability to be present or take action. Sometimes, we all just need to complain or vent to get it out of our heads and out of our system! Let me know that you need to “clear” and I will support you with active listening so that you can get it out of the way and we can focus on taking the next step.
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- ; eng - Closure is the acknowledgement of different phases of any process, equation or relationship. It is leaving things in such a way so that you can see the end as a new beginning.
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- ; eng - A person who gives honest feedback and support, inspires, challenges, facilitates growth and change, and partners with another person to achieve stated goals. A coach may perform these functions on a personal or professional level.
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Coach Approach
- ; eng - A way of relating and behaving that is based on coaching a person or team, instead of "managing" or teaching, etc.
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- ; eng - The process of being a coach, performing the functions detailed under "coach." The goal of coaching is the development, growth and success of those being coached.
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Coaching Culture
- ; eng - A culture cultivated within an organization or corporation that embraces the competencies and attitude of coaching.
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Co-Active Coaching
- ; eng - A powerful alliance designed to forward and enhance the lifelong process of human learning, effectiveness and fulfillment. The client and coach are equals in this process – the coach is not the “expert” and does not dispense advice.
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- ; eng - The mental processes of perception, memory, judgment, and reasoning, as contrasted with emotional and volitional processes. Cognitive also refers to attempts to identify a perspective or theory in contrast to emphasizing observable behavior.
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- ; eng - What you intend to do and be on an ongoing basis; also, underlying commitments to how you do things, (i.e. an underlying commitment to making everything you do "hard" -- "if it is not hard, it must not be working").
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Complex Coaching Situation
- ; eng - A "complex" coaching situation is one that has the following characteristics: / the performance factors are not well-defined; / the consequence of error is significant / the coach is expected to be at the cutting edge of knowledge and practice; / the coach is expected to produce innovative and novel responses to the demands of the situation; / objectives are long-term.
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Conflict Management
- ; eng - The art of managing conflict effectively. Nearly all projects encounter conflict. The object of successful conflict management is to handle conflicts so that the result is positive rather than destructive.
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Conscious Gratitude
- ; eng - Really noticing what you are grateful for in your life at this moment. Spending time feeling true appreciation daily.
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Corporate Coaching
- ; eng - Coaching within and with an entire corporation or different divisions, departments/teams within the corporation or organization.
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- ; eng - A means of assisting persons to resolve and overcome personal (and sometimes professional) problems using standardized behavioral psychological methods. A coach is not a counselor. In addition to "problem-solving" a coach maximizes the personÕs potential. A coach works with a person to move confidently forward in life, not just over or around a hurdle. A counselor may inadvertently foster dependency. A coach empowers individuals for flight. (Note: Some people benefit from counseling instead of coaching.)
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Daily/Weekly Actions
- ; eng - Actions you do daily or a certain number of times per week to support either a goal; a "success ingredient" until completion; a primary focus; the development of a specific habit; or a way of being.
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- ; eng - Clearing your space of items that do not serve you, support you, or feel good to you.
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Designing the Alliance
- ; eng - The client and coach jointly develop how they will work together. The client grants power to the coaching relationship and takes responsibility for their part of the alliance. This is done through making requests of the coach, setting up the logistics of the coaching relationship, and discussing the best ways to facilitate client learning and action.
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- ; eng - What is bound to happen to you in this lifetime. Information used to create a sense of Purpose, Vision and Mission.
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- ; eng - The training and nurturing of people to acquire new horizons, technologies, or viewpoints, enabling leaders to guide their organizations onto new expectations by being proactive rather than reactive. It enables workers to create better products, faster services, and more competitive organizations. It is learning for ultimate growth of the individual, but may not be related to a specific present or future job or function.
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- ; eng - The process of gathering information in order to make informed decisions. It is broader than testing, and includes both subjective (opinion) input and objective (fact) input. Evaluation can take many forms including tests, assessments, and self-reflection.
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Executive Coaching
- ; eng - Coaching at the executive level either with a single individual or with complete teams of individuals either within an organization or corporation, or as a unique individual relationship outside the organization's boundaries.
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- ; eng - A person whose knowledge, skill, and experience is specialized and extensive, especially as the result of much practical experience.
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External Coach:
- ; eng - A coach who is contracted from the "outside", by an individual, corporation or organization, to come "inside" to provide coaching services. The external coach may or may not have technical experience in the client's industry or field, but WILL have experience in dealing with conditions and goals related to that industry or field, as well as with the people issues involved. An external coach may negotiate an ongoing general coaching contract, or one which specifies a limited period of time, dealing with stated issues.
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- ; eng - A person who makes it easier for others to learn and grow, or assists in and directs the implementation of processes, programs, and plans. A facilitator determines the best way to make information available to the people involved by providing the knowledge, systems, or materials which enable persons to perform a task more effectively. This is done by listening, asking questions, providing ideas, suggesting alternatives, and identifying possible resources. A good facilitator is adept and experienced with people and people issues.
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- ; eng - Providing information about the nature of an action and its result in relation to some criterion of acceptability. It provides the flow of information back to a person so that actual performance can be compared with planned performance. Feedback can be positive, constructive, or neutral.
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- ; eng - A way to manage information, documents and references that allows you easy access as you need it; and is based upon how you think, categorize, and operate.
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- ; eng - The ability to choose to concentrate your attention in a way that serves you. Clarity of purpose used to forward yourself.
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- ; eng - The act of doing what you say you will do--being accountable. Making sure you stick to your word in both personal and business affairs for the sake of long term honesty as well as trust in your relationships with others.
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- ; eng - Living your values. A fulfilling life is a valued life. It’s what nourishes you…what fills you up. It is both intensely personal and constantly evolving.
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- ; eng - Those moments which are filled with joy, happiness, love and satisfaction. Living from a personal foundation that supports you most in being fulfilled. Doing and being what you love.
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Future Self
- ; eng - The Self with the wisdom of 20/20 vision, who is already living out your Vision of your life--has a message of getting from here to there.
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- ; eng - The concrete results or manifestations of an intention.
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- ; eng - The voice in your head that doesn’t want you to have what you want! Gremlins are guaranteed to come out whenever you contemplate making any change or taking any risks. The Gremlin concept was developed by Richard Carson to embody the group of thought processes and feelings that maintain the status quo in our lives. Like our mind, the Gremlin will always be with us. It is neither good nor bad; it just is. The Gremlin loses its power over us when we can identify it for what it is, notice our options in the situation, and then consciously choose what it is we do really want at any given point in time.
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- ; eng - Personifications of our negative self-talk and inner critic.
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Inner North
- ; eng - Finding your own True North by way of connecting with your authentic self.
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Inner Stress
- ; eng - Intangible internal demands and pressures we create within ourselves. Example: Fear, anxiety, and negative fantasies we make up.
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Inner Vacation
- ; eng - Living a life where the NORM is fun and ease. Techniques for being able to go inside and create a sense of peace, relaxation and fun and to carry that back out to your everyday life.
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Inner Wisdom (or Inner Core)
- ; eng - A place of inner knowing and clarity. Trusting the place of strength and power within that knows what is best for you and your life.
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- ; eng - A powerful question intended to deepen learning and provoke future reflection. The intention is for the client to consider the inquiry between sessions to see what insights arise for them.
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- ; eng - Focused energy on a certain outcome or belief.
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- ; eng - The meaning behind who you are being and doing.
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Internal Coach:
- ; eng - A coach who has been trained to perform the functions of coach within and for an organization, and is a paid employee of that organization or corporation. The internal coach may or may not have other specified job duties in addition to coaching within the organization. The internal coach can be either a full-time or part-time employee.
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International Coach Federation (ICF)
- ; eng - The largest and foremost professional association which accredits coaching schools and certifies individuals in coaching. (www.coachfederation.org)
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- ; eng - The ability to mediate effectively with individuals, groups or teams in order to facilitate the achievement of a specific outcome. It may be understood as a dynamic interpersonal process performed with a clear purpose whereby the coach may have to communicate, teach, lead and/or manage.
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- ; eng - On occasion, the coach may need to intrude, to interrupt or “wake-up” a client who is going on and on, or who is kidding themselves. Although it may initially appear impolite, the purpose of intrusion is to be direct with the client, allowing the client to honestly assess and immediately deal with the situation.
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Labyrinth Walk
- ; eng - A labyrinth has one well-defined path that leads us into the center and back out again. A labyrinth is NOT a maze. The labyrinth does not engage our thinking minds. It invites our intuitive, pattern-seeking, symbolic mind to come forth. It is walking/moving meditation. The labyrinth is a tool to guide healing, deepen self-knowledge and empower creativity. Walking the labyrinth urges action. It calms people in the throes of life transitions. It helps them see their lives in the context of a path, a pilgrimage. (excerpted from "Walking The Sacred Path" by Dr. Lauren Artress)
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Life Purpose
- ; eng - Why you are here on this planet. An essence statement that serves as a reminder of who you are and the impact that you create in the world. When you are living your purpose, life is experienced as fulfilling, effortless and satisfying. When you are disregarding your life purpose, life is often felt to be empty, anguished and unfulfilling. / The reasons you are here on earth, what gives your life meaning. A common theme, or thread throughout your life.
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Life Purpose Statement
- ; eng - A single statement including two elements: a metaphor for who you need to be to live on purpose; and the impact you want to have on your life and the world.
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Lifelong Learning
- ; eng - The concept of continuous personal development through personal (self-actualized) learning.
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- ; eng - A wise and trusted advisor. Three mentoring roles can exist in a work context: / mainstream mentor - someone who acts as a guide, adviser and counselor at various stages in someone's career destined for a senior position. / professional qualification mentor - someone required by a professional association to be appointed to guide a student through a program of study, leading to a professional qualification. / vocational qualification mentor; someone appointed to guide a candidate through a program of development and the accumulation of evidence to prove competence to a standard. / NOTE: A coach is generally not a mentor, except to another coach, or someone within their field of experience. A coach is outside the workplace boundaries, specializing in people and the encouragement of personal and professional achievement and goal realization.
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Method of Operation
- ; eng - How you really operate. What behaviors you actually have. If your business is strictly based on referral, for example, you may not want to make cold calls. Honor how you really operate.
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- ; eng - A way you are acting on your Life Purpose--the "doing" part of your Life Purpose, may also be motivated by a specific goal or vision.
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- ; eng - (1) A person who serves as an example for another person to emulate. / (2) A representation of a process or system that shows the most important variables in the system in such a way that analysis of the model leads to insights into and understanding of the system.
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- ; eng - A stand-alone instructional unit that is designed to satisfy one or more learning objectives. A separate component complete within itself that can be taught, measured, and evaluated for a change or even bypassed as a whole. A module consists of one or more lessons.
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Needs Analysis
- ; eng - A method used to determine specific needs by reviewing tasks, identifying performance factors and objectives, and defining objectives and recommendations.
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Needs Assessment
- ; eng - Problem identification process that looks at the difference between "what is" and "what should be" for a particular situation. A systematic study that incorporates data and opinions from varied sources in order to create, install and evaluate people, products and services.
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- ; eng - A system or strategy to keep items accessible as well as retrievable. Managing activities/belongings in ways that support the best/most efficient use of time/money/resources for the highest return on your investment.
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Organizational Development
- ; eng - This is a large area of expertise, encompassing the ability to conduct overviews, interviews, analyses and any other assessments required to determine the overall structure and function of an organization, including all the inter-dependent parts and how they function together. The purpose of this review is generally to determine where problem areas may exist and then to suggest changes, or to provide expertise to those in start-up businesses. Many executive coaches specialize in this area.
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Outer Stress
- ; eng - Tangible external demands and pressures.
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Paper Flow
- ; eng - Managing incoming and outgoing paper in such a way that location of documents is simple to remember, easy to find, with the least amount of effort possible.
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Performance Analysis
- ; eng - It is the process by which professionals partner and team up to identify and respond to opportunities and problems, and through study of individuals and the organization, to determine an appropriate cross-functional solution system.
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Performance Coaching
- ; eng - Coaching that is generally done within an organization or corporation, focusing on the skills and competencies required for optimum performance to meet expectations.
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Personal Coaching
- ; eng - Coaching with an individual, working on personal issues with a client.
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- ; eng - An expression of a “being condition”. It is a state you are in. A way of looking at reality. The key point is that there are always other ways of looking at a situation that are also true.
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- ; eng - Taking the time to look at what you want, when you want it, and the appropriate steps as well as pace to getting it.
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Primary Focus
- ; eng - The main project; area of focus; or ultimate goal of getting what you want. Usually defined for a given time period.
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- ; eng - Taking responsibility for your beliefs, behaviors and experience. Creating the quality of life you want for your self. Life maintenance--giving up the adrenaline rush of putting out fires.
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- ; eng - Being “in process” is to be wherever you are in the flowing river of your life! Sometimes it’s calm & smooth; other times it’s chaotic and messy. To be truly present in THIS moment, we need to turn off worries about the past & the future and just experience where we’re at right now. To truly experience a moment, we need to truly feel it - no matter how painful or joyful it is!
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- ; eng - Feeling as if you are using you time, space and energy for the highest returns on your investment.
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Professional Support
- ; eng - Who you hire to assist you in areas that will save you time, frustration, grief and money in the long run, (Coaches, Professional Organizers, Computer Consultants, Financial Consultants, Web Developers, Lawyers, Office Assistants, Managers). Knowing what questions you need to be asking and requests you need to be making of these people to make the most of your time and money spent with them.
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Project Completion
- ; eng - Seeing a project through from beginning to end. Defining the end of a project, process or goal clearly enough to have an ending.
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Project Management
- ; eng - Looking at a given project from all of the angles. What are the logistics, time frames, resources, and human influences? How can you best manage the elements of the project to get the project done in a reliable time frame, while taking into consideration things that maybe out of your control?
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Qi Gong
- ; eng - (pronounced chi kung) Qi Gong is a form of moving meditation. Our bodies are full of energy but, because of the everyday stresses of life the energy becomes blocked inside us. Learning and practicing Qi gong develops internal strength and energy. It also teaches us to relax our entire system and calms our minds so that we can remove our internal energy blocks. Best of all, Qi gong exercises are simple, invigorating, effective, relaxing and very easy to learn. (excerpted from "Chi Kung" by Eleanor McKenzie).
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Quarterly Goals
- ; eng - Your goals put into perspective based on quarters of an annual schedule.
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- ; eng - A request is based upon a client’s agenda and is designed to forward the client’s action. A request includes a specified action, conditions of satisfaction and a date or time by which it will be done. The only acceptable replies to a request are: Yes, No, a Counteroffer or agreement to a future time that a response will be given.
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Signs Along the Way
- ; eng - Specific markers that signify stepping stones on the way towards a goal.
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Simple Coaching Situation
- ; eng - A "simple" coaching situation is one that has the following characteristics: / the performance factors are well-defined; / the consequence of error is limited; / the coach is expected to have acquired some limited, well-accepted knowledge and information; / the coach is expected to use previously-learned, well-accepted coaching practice and procedures; / objectives are short-term
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Single Daily Action
- ; eng - An action taken daily to reinforce what you want in your life for personal growth and/or business growth.
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- ; eng - The ability to do something well, especially as the result of practical experience; the ability to apply knowledge in a practical manner.
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Someday Syndrome
- ; eng - Unconscious procrastinating by always waiting for the perfect time in the future to start something, finish something, or try something new.
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Space Allocation
- ; eng - Using your space in ways to get the most return from your efforts. Giving enough space for specific projects and operations.
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- ; eng - Creating physical and psychological space around what you are doing.
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Special Permission
- ; eng - Having permission to do or be a certain way during the process of pushing hard towards achieving a goal. It may be a special treat, or a special privilege not often taken; or it may mean allowing yourself to experience things differently.
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Stepping Stones
- ; eng - Markers that represent a significant step towards a goal.
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Strategic Planning
- ; eng - The process of thinking of and determining specific goals, objectives, and actions to move from one place to another; for industries and organizations of all sizes.
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- ; eng - An outline of or foundation for what you want to achieve or be.
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Success Circles
- ; eng - Small yet powerful groups of people who come together with a common focus for a four or six week commitment to themselves and others to learn, share, support each other, and grow in their business, work and personal life.
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- ; eng - Methods of doing things that honor how you really operate, and are easy to do and remember.
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Team Development
- ; eng - The process of forming and advancing a team to be more effective, and to develop higher functioning relationships.
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- ; eng - Making the most of what technology there is available to you to support you in getting the most out of life.
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Time Lining
- ; eng - Looking at the big picture, at what you want to accomplish, and at what you need to accomplish.
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Time Management
- ; eng - Making sure you are managing your time in a way that allows you to get things done as well as feel like you are getting things done with out feeling overwhelmed or exhausted. Feeling like you have enough time to do what you need to do.
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- ; eng - Objects, materials, methods, strategies, structures that support you in getting what you need and want.
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- ; eng - Keeping track of progress. Noting the goals you set, and what really happens. Do you expect too much of your self? Are you staying focused enough to get the task done?
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- ; eng - A person who directs the growth of learners by making them qualified or proficient in a skill, task, attitude, system, or process. Utilizes coaching, instructing, and facilitating techniques to accomplish the learning objectives.
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- ; eng - Learning that is provided in order to improve performance (not always job related, but always growth related)
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- ; eng - Those things most important to you that drive your priorities, decisions and choices on a daily basis.
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- ; eng - Values represent who you are right now. They’re the principles that you hold to be of worth in your life. They are NOT morals. They are not chosen. They are intrinsic to you.
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- ; eng - Intangible, that which is intrinsically important to you, when honored, your life is fulfilling. What is true to Self. Not morals.
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- ; eng - The picture in your mind, or a knowingness, that represents where you are going--creates a basis for "being" and "doing" on the way of getting there. The dreams and ambitions which you see out in front of you pulling you forward.
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- ; eng - Creating a mental picture of the desired outcome of intentions. Imagining what you would like to create.
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Walk Your Talk
- ; eng - Guidelines for living your Mission, Vision and Life Purpose. Intentions, commitments, actions, goals, daily habits supporting the process of your life towards balance and fulfillment. Developing methods and behaviors that honor who you really are. "Being" and "doing" in ways that support your Life Purpose, that make your life flow.
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Work Flow
- ; eng - Your time, tasks, paper, projects moving smoothly and gliding through the pressures of the Information Age, allowing flexibility, agility, and presence throughout your life.
Coaching Glossary
2008.05.19. 08:56 VanHalen
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