NLP Quis (2)

2008.01.06. 16:49 VanHalen

1540.eng. [##] avoid
1541.eng. [##] achieve
1542.eng. [##] need
1543.eng. Which is not the case? Regarding Conditions
1544.eng. [##] these indicate how the client will go about achieving their outcome.
1545.eng. [##] establish what needs to be in place.
1546.eng. [##] the most significant ones need to be identified.
1547.eng. [##] all need to be identified.
1548.eng. [##] there can be many of them.
1549.eng. [##] these need to be linked directly with the desired outcome.
1550.eng. Long questions allow the client to explore as extensively as they want to.
1551.eng. [##] True
1552.eng. [##] False
1553.eng. Where you look and what you look at, as the modeller, has no effect on the client.
1554.eng. [##] True
1555.eng. [##] False
1556.eng. Which is not true? A proposed remedy is likely to include words like:
1557.eng. [##] don't
1558.eng. [##] remove
1559.eng. [##] want
1560.eng. [##] get rid of
1561.eng. Which is not true. A Desired Outcome can contain:
1562.eng. [##] an ecology check
1563.eng. [##] the current problem
1564.eng. [##] a proposed remedy
1565.eng. [##] the actual desired outcome
1566.eng. With NLP, the Map is the Territory.
1567.eng. [##] True
1568.eng. [##] False
1569.eng. Integrating Spirituality into Therapy
1570.eng. It is essential to feel compassion for ourselves.
1571.eng. [##] True
1572.eng. [##] False
1573.eng. Client "i think I'm just too shy to find a relationship. I'm afraid of women and being rejected." Therapist "So you'd like to be able to get into a relationship?"
1574.eng. [##] reflect in past tense
1575.eng. [##] global to partial
1576.eng. [##] reality to percetion
1577.eng. [##] problems into preferences
1578.eng. [##] expectancy talk
1579.eng. Compassion can be achieved by:
1580.eng. [##] knowing they are not what they do
1581.eng. [##] focussing on the behaviour
1582.eng. [##] separating the problem from the identity
1583.eng. [##] knowing they are this and much more
1584.eng. The counterbalance to spirituality is fear.
1585.eng. [##] True
1586.eng. [##] False
1587.eng. Client "I've been really depressed." Therapist "you've been depressed most of the time lately."
1588.eng. [##] reflect in past tense
1589.eng. [##] global to partial
1590.eng. [##] reality to perception
1591.eng. [##] problems to preferences
1592.eng. [##] expectancy talk
1593.eng. “When you first open your eyes, what the first thing you will notice that will let you know that this miracle has occurred?” is an example of which future pull intervention?
1594.eng. [##] Crystal ball method
1595.eng. [##] Letter to self
1596.eng. [##] The Miracle Question
1597.eng. [##] Scaling
1598.eng. Acknowledgment with future possibilities involves:
1599.eng. [##] turning problems into preferences
1600.eng. [##] reflecting in past tense
1601.eng. [##] going from global into partial
1602.eng. [##] going from truth/reality to perception
1603.eng. From a poll of Marriage and Family Therapists (2002) 96% said that spiritual issues should be included in clinical work.
1604.eng. [##] True
1605.eng. [##] False
1606.eng. Being optimistic and being aware of possbilities is the same thing.
1607.eng. [##] True
1608.eng. [##] False
1609.eng. Which is not true? Unowned bad feelings manifest themselves in:
1610.eng. [##] bigotry
1611.eng. [##] aspects of self, attributed to others
1612.eng. [##] understanding of self
1613.eng. [##] harsh self talk
1614.eng. Soliciting times when a client has felt connected to something greater hinders the therapeutic process.
1615.eng. [##] True
1616.eng. [##] False
1617.eng. To change it is useful to identify the underlying patterns.
1618.eng. [##] True
1619.eng. [##] False
1620.eng. Which is not true? Changing problem patterns can be achieved by:
1621.eng. [##] doing something different in the same context
1622.eng. [##] transfer useful patterns from another context
1623.eng. [##] search for exceptions
1624.eng. [##] acknowledging and mindfulness
1625.eng. Asking someone to say how they could move from a '3' to a '5', and how long it might take them, is an example of which future pull intervention?
1626.eng. [##] letter to self
1627.eng. [##] crystal ball method
1628.eng. [##] scaling
1629.eng. [##] miracle question
1630.eng. "What are you listening or watching for?" "What do you think or believe you must do or be or have?" "What do you think or believe you cannot do or be or have?" are examples of:
1631.eng. [##] future pull
1632.eng. [##] mindfulness
1633.eng. [##] challenge of premises
1634.eng. [##] externalise the problem
1635.eng. [##] use of rituals
1636.eng. Working with how a client views his problem could involve:
1637.eng. [##] future pull and mindfulness
1638.eng. [##] working with execeptions and additional resources
1639.eng. [##] inclusion and permission
1640.eng. [##] challenge premises and presuppositions
1641.eng. Externalising the problem invites the client to seek resources:
1642.eng. [##] outside of themselves
1643.eng. [##] in the transpersonal zone
1644.eng. [##] in the personal zone
1645.eng. [##] in the interpersonal zone
1646.eng. What does this question generate? "What places or times in nature are the best for you?"
1647.eng. [##] connection
1648.eng. [##] compassion
1649.eng. [##] contribution
1650.eng. [##] constancy
1651.eng. Having all present family members sit down for Sunday lunch, is an example of which ritual.
1652.eng. [##] continuity
1653.eng. [##] connecting
1654.eng. [##] remembering
1655.eng. [##] inclusion
1656.eng. Which is not true? These are examples off future pull or expectancy talk.
1657.eng. [##]
1658.eng. Suggest small increments rather than big leaps
1659.eng. Suggest small increments rather than big leaps
1660.eng. [##] Mention the presence of something rather than the absence of something
1661.eng. [##] Use non specific optimistic language
1662.eng. [##] Rephrase from what is unwanted to what is desired
1663.eng. Which is not true: Inclusive language involves
1664.eng. [##] aberrance
1665.eng. [##] oxymorons
1666.eng. [##] inclusion of opposites
1667.eng. [##] permission
1668.eng. Witnessing involves problem solving.
1669.eng. [##] True
1670.eng. [##] False
1671.eng. The four places for intervention in therapy are
1672.eng. [##] being
1673.eng. [##] viewing
1674.eng. [##] reviewing
1675.eng. [##] doing
1676.eng. [##] undoing
1677.eng. [##] context
1678.eng. To bring spirituality into therapy it is useful to discover what the clients perceptions are of God.
1679.eng. [##] True
1680.eng. [##] False
1681.eng. You can change a pattern by changing:
1682.eng. [##] actions
1683.eng. [##] cause
1684.eng. [##] location
1685.eng. [##] timing
1686.eng. [##] non[##]verbals
1687.eng. The Art and Science of Therapy
1688.eng. Appropriate behaviour is the combination of need and want.
1689.eng. [##] True
1690.eng. [##] False
1691.eng. The best way to change knowledge is:
1692.eng. [##] reframe it.
1693.eng. [##] to know more about it.
1694.eng. [##] argue against it.
1695.eng. [##] provide a counter example.
1696.eng. More distinctions generates greater appreciation and choices of intervention.
1697.eng. [##] True
1698.eng. [##] False
1699.eng. Which is not true? Conceptual information allows us to:
1700.eng. [##] recognise patterns.
1701.eng. [##] check easily how the elements fit together.
1702.eng. [##] become confused.
1703.eng. [##] provides opportunity to scope and label.
1704.eng. Much of conflict arises when the explorer has an unclear identity.
1705.eng. [##] True
1706.eng. [##] False
1707.eng. A mythical model is one which is based on:
1708.eng. [##] the imposition of future actions
1709.eng. [##] recognising similarities with other structures
1710.eng. [##] identifying previous models
1711.eng. [##] setting up limitations through connections
1712.eng. Upsets can only be negative.
1713.eng. [##] True
1714.eng. [##] False
1715.eng. To enable a client to reach a desired standard, you need to offer one of the following:
1716.eng. [##] therapy, counselling, advice
1717.eng. [##] therapy, teaching, coaching
1718.eng. [##] coaching, training, teaching
1719.eng. [##] therapy, counselling, coaching
1720.eng. We respond to Crises by:
1721.eng. [##] coping with difficulties
1722.eng. [##] life learning about our limitations
1723.eng. [##] solving problems
1724.eng. [##] exploring concepts
1725.eng. Remedial change is useful for addressing concerns.
1726.eng. [##] True
1727.eng. [##] False
1728.eng. The FADS Model addresses both Motivation Direction Traits meta programmes.
1729.eng. [##] True
1730.eng. [##] False
1731.eng. Generative change highlights the need to be set up optimally before an anticipated change.
1732.eng. [##] True
1733.eng. [##] False
1734.eng. Which is not true? Generative change:
1735.eng. [##] incorporates the resources of curiosity and wonder
1736.eng. [##] starts in the set up stage before the event
1737.eng. [##] addressing the conceptual issues around the event
1738.eng. [##] anticipates consequences
1739.eng. There may be a relationship between elements of experience.
1740.eng. [##] True
1741.eng. [##] False
1742.eng. Generative change brings the performance up to standard.
1743.eng. [##] True
1744.eng. [##] False
1745.eng. Life learning and addressing conceptual issues comes from:
1746.eng. [##] identifying the desired situation
1747.eng. [##] locating the set down space
1748.eng. [##] minimal re[##]veiw or reflection
1749.eng. [##] bringing the desired situation into the set down space
1750.eng. Angst, as in the FADS Model, describes:
1751.eng. [##] fear
1752.eng. [##] lack of stimulation
1753.eng. [##] development
1754.eng. [##] learning
1755.eng. To establish how the client views their experience realistically, you ask:
1756.eng. [##] What would you like, want, or need?
1757.eng. [##] What will happen if your do or don't change?
1758.eng. [##] What happens?
1759.eng. [##] How should things happen?
1760.eng. Which is not true? Formal Modelling:
1761.eng. [##] incorporates natural modelling
1762.eng. [##] can be disproved with new knowledge
1763.eng. [##] is rigorous and can be tested
1764.eng. [##] is a scientific approach
1765.eng. Which is not true? Discovering how someone puts meaning onto their evidence can be found by asking:
1766.eng. [##] How did you think it through?
1767.eng. [##] How did you decide that?
1768.eng. [##] How did you come to this conclusion?
1769.eng. [##] How did you realise that this was the case?
1770.eng. Remedial change follows the sequence of:
1771.eng. [##] resources, present situation and unknown
1772.eng. [##] resources, present situation and desired situation
1773.eng. [##] present situation, resources and desired situation
1774.eng. [##] desired situation and set down
1775.eng. Therapy seeks to re[##]structure the client's:
1776.eng. [##] model of the world
1777.eng. [##] expressed surface structure
1778.eng. [##] how the MOW was constructed
1779.eng. [##] the VAKOG filters/selectors
1780.eng. Formal modelling involves checking out:
1781.eng. [##] mythical models
1782.eng. [##] metaphorical models
1783.eng. [##] mystical models
1784.eng. [##] all three
1785.eng. Modelling is about identifying what you,as the Modeller, don't know.
1786.eng. [##] True
1787.eng. [##] False
1788.eng. You can detect where the conflict lies when you establish:
1789.eng. [##] desires, events, rules, consequences
1790.eng. [##] desires, events, fears, concerns
1791.eng. [##] events, consequences, angst, needs
1792.eng. [##] desires, rules, consquences, needs
1793.eng. David Gordon's Structure of Experience
1794.eng. Which is not true? If the learner of an ability does not already doesn't hold one of the necessary beliefs, then you had best
1795.eng. [##] abandon attempts at acquisition
1796.eng. [##] offer a reframe
1797.eng. [##] explore other reference experiences
1798.eng. [##] suggest an 'act as if'
1799.eng. Elicitation is merely a process of recording what the exemplar says.
1800.eng. [##] True
1801.eng. [##] False
1802.eng. It is not important to determine the exact Criterion.
1803.eng. [##] True
1804.eng. [##] False
1805.eng. Which is correct? The Sustaining Emotion is the one which
1806.eng. [##] is the strongest
1807.eng. [##] lasts the longest
1808.eng. [##] is there all the time
1809.eng. [##] needs to be there for the ability to happen
1810.eng. Modelling:
1811.eng. [##] enables you to take on an ability for yourself
1812.eng. [##] enables another to take on a desired ability
1813.eng. [##] gives you an opportunity to change the structure
1814.eng. [##] expands your own experience
1815.eng. [##] reveals the beauty within the exemplar
1816.eng. [##] all of these
1817.eng. Which question would not elicit a Secondary Strategy?
1818.eng. [##] What do you do if [Criterion/Definition] is not sufficiently met?
1819.eng. [##] How do you normally go about doing that?
1820.eng. [##] What do you do when it cannot work?
1821.eng. [##] What do you do when that is not working?
1822.eng. Which is not true? The Criterial Equivalence:
1823.eng. [##] offers the meaning of the criterion
1824.eng. [##] can be different for different people
1825.eng. [##] is essential to gain understanding of the exemplar's map
1826.eng. [##] is random and can alter
1827.eng. The purpose of the Strategy is to statisfy the Criterion.
1828.eng. [##] True
1829.eng. [##] False
1830.eng. The Secondary Strategies keep us in the Operation loop of the TOTE.
1831.eng. [##] True
1832.eng. [##] False
1833.eng. Modelling starts when you ask "What do I specifically want to do?"
1834.eng. [##] True
1835.eng. [##] False
1836.eng. Asking "What is necessary for there to be [criterion]?" elicits:
1837.eng. [##] Evidence
1838.eng. [##] Definition
1839.eng. [##] Enabling Cause Effect
1840.eng. [##] Motivating Cause Effect
1841.eng. A generic model retains the personality of the individual exemplars.
1842.eng. [##] True
1843.eng. [##] False
1844.eng. Which is not true? When eliciting elements of experience you need to:
1845.eng. [##] select one example from the one exemplar
1846.eng. [##] select two or more examples from the one exemplar
1847.eng. [##] select two or more exemplars with the same ability
1848.eng. [##] select two or more exemplars in the same context
1849.eng. Which is not true? It is worth modelling abilities which:
1850.eng. [##] are relatively rare
1851.eng. [##] common but you don't have personal access to them
1852.eng. [##] are recognised as being desireable
1853.eng. [##] benefit others
1854.eng. Congruence results when the External Behaviours match the Internal Processes.
1855.eng. [##] True
1856.eng. [##] False
1857.eng. Supporting beliefs are not essential to include in the belief template.
1858.eng. [##] True
1859.eng. [##] False
1860.eng. Within the Array you have to start off with Beliefs.
1861.eng. [##] True
1862.eng. [##] False
1863.eng. it is important to model the External Behaviours.
1864.eng. [##] True
1865.eng. [##] False
1866.eng. Which is not true? A Criterion:
1867.eng. [##] is the macro for the whole experience
1868.eng. [##] is an aribtrary filter
1869.eng. [##] generates meaning and evidence requirements
1870.eng. [##] is the beating heart of any experience
1871.eng. Asking "What do you see, hear, feel that lets you know you have [criterion]?" elicits:
1872.eng. [##] evidence
1873.eng. [##] definition
1874.eng. [##] enabling cause effect
1875.eng. [##] motivating cause effect
1876.eng. Beliefs and Values
1877.eng. With the Reimprinting process, it is important to be mindful of the need to dissociate off the timeline.
1878.eng. [##] True
1879.eng. [##] False
1880.eng. When people are getting to the edge of their map, they are often likely to say things like
1881.eng. [##] "I don't know."
1882.eng. [##] "This sounds really stupid."
1883.eng. [##] "This makes no sense."
1884.eng. [##] Anyone of the above
1885.eng. "I'm not good enough" is evidence of which limiting belief?
1886.eng. [##] hopeless
1887.eng. [##] helpless
1888.eng. [##] worthless
1889.eng. Secondary gains sabotage intention and desire to change.
1890.eng. [##] True
1891.eng. [##] False
1892.eng. "Although, Even though, In the same way that" elicit which Cause?
1893.eng. [##] Final
1894.eng. [##] Antecedent
1895.eng. [##] Constraining
1896.eng. [##] Formal
1897.eng. Statement: NLP requires flexibility.
1898.eng. Reframe: That's very inflexible thinking.
1899.eng. What reframe is this?
1900.eng. [##] Model of the World
1901.eng. [##] Meta Frame
1902.eng. [##] Apply to Self
1903.eng. [##] Frame Size
1904.eng. Statement: Air travel is the biggest polluter and people who fly are profoundly selfish.
1905.eng. Reframe: Even though flight brings countries and people together in a way that supports trade and peace?
1906.eng. What reframe is this?
1907.eng. [##] Counter Example
1908.eng. [##] Intention
1909.eng. [##] Another Outcome
1910.eng. [##] Reality
1911.eng. A Belief Audit tests us for our readiness to change against the Dilts criteria.
1912.eng. [##] True
1913.eng. [##] False
1914.eng. "I can never remember names" is a belief at which level?
1915.eng. [##] identity
1916.eng. [##] capability
1917.eng. [##] behaviour
1918.eng. Severe disagreements arise when an important value is violated.
1919.eng. [##] True
1920.eng. [##] False
1921.eng. Statement: People who follow fashion are incapable of independent thought.
1922.eng. Reframe: Trendsetters create their individual style through combining the latest fashions.
1923.eng. What is the reframe?
1924.eng. [##] Chunk Up
1925.eng. [##] Chunk Down
1926.eng. [##] Consequence
1927.eng. [##] Reality Strategy
1928.eng. Beliefs are nested together and interlinked.
1929.eng. [##] True
1930.eng. [##] False
1931.eng. Belief Strengthening uses the Aristotle Effects.
1932.eng. [##] True
1933.eng. [##] False
1934.eng. Statement: Vanity leads to downfall.
1935.eng. Reframe: Taking pride in one's achievements can be useful if used carefully.
1936.eng. What reframe is this?
1937.eng. [##] Chunk Up
1938.eng. [##] Intention
1939.eng. [##] Reality
1940.eng. [##] Counter Example
1941.eng. Beliefs resulted from a decision we took at some stage earlier in our lives, and served us usefully at that time.
1942.eng. [##] True
1943.eng. [##] False
1944.eng. Someone who behaves different from us
1945.eng. [##] cannot share the same value as us
1946.eng. [##] doesn't know the meaning of that value in behaviour
1947.eng. [##] can have a different way of expressing that value
1948.eng. According to Miller, limiting beliefs are usually formed in the years
1949.eng. [##] up to age 7
1950.eng. [##] 7[##]14
1951.eng. [##] 15[##]21
1952.eng. "You are what you eat" is a belief statement at which level?
1953.eng. [##] environment
1954.eng. [##] identity
1955.eng. [##] capability
1956.eng. "It won't work. You are wasting your time." is evidence of which limiting belief?
1957.eng. [##] hopeless
1958.eng. [##] helpless
1959.eng. [##] worthless
1960.eng. We can detect beliefs in the language we use.
1961.eng. [##] True
1962.eng. [##] False
1963.eng. Statement: Our railway system is an embarrassment in a country that is supposed to be in the first world.
1964.eng. Reframe: It's interesting to explore the journey that started with the British invention of the steam engine to the delays we are experiencing today.
1965.eng. Which is the reframe?
1966.eng. [##] Frame size
1967.eng. [##] Consquence
1968.eng. [##] Redefine
1969.eng. [##] Another Outcome
1970.eng. There is no relationship between values and culture.
1971.eng. [##] True
1972.eng. [##] False
1973.eng. "It always goes wrong for me." is evidence of which limiting belief?
1974.eng. [##] hopeless
1975.eng. [##] helpless
1976.eng. [##] worthless
1977.eng. Statement: Untidyness is a sign of an untidy mind.
1978.eng. Reframe: Being respectful and lovling is a sign of a healthy heart.
1979.eng. Which reframe is this?
1980.eng. [##] Chunk Up
1981.eng. [##] Higher Criteria
1982.eng. [##] Metaphor
1983.eng. [##] Consequence
1984.eng. If the person is not ready yet to go into the unknown, what are they not likely to offer the Guide?
1985.eng. [##] money
1986.eng. [##] red herrings
1987.eng. [##] rambling anecdotes
1988.eng. [##] more evidence of the same
1989.eng. Meta Programmes
1990.eng. A salesman who leaves you alone to decide for yourself, without being pushy and telling you what other people have said about the item, has understood that you are ...
1991.eng. [##] Proximity, Thinking
1992.eng. [##] External, Away from
1993.eng. [##] Reactive, and Internal
1994.eng. [##] Difference, Procedures
1996.eng. Who would be delighted with this?
1997.eng. [##] Specific, Proactive
1998.eng. [##] Specific, External
1999.eng. [##] General, Move Towards
2000.eng. [##] General, Options
2002.eng. Which sandcastle would suit a Difference Trait?
2003.eng. [##] A
2004.eng. [##] B
2005.eng. [##] C
2006.eng. [##] D
2007.eng. You can't determine someone's Attention Direction on the phone.
2008.eng. [##] True
2009.eng. [##] False
2010.eng. You are a sucker for a sob story, especially if the salesman is telling you about how much his daughter's wedding is costing him and how he has had to work all hours in the day to meet the payments. This is because your attention is on
2011.eng. [##] your desire to make the best purchasing decision
2012.eng. [##] his feelings and his needs
2013.eng. [##] how to get the hell out of there!
2015.eng. This is a godsend for whom?
2016.eng. [##] Proactive, Independent
2017.eng. [##] Sameness, Reactive
2018.eng. [##] Proactive, Cooperative
2019.eng. Asking someone "How do you know someone else is doing a good job?" is a way to discover what?
2020.eng. [##] Stress Response Trait
2021.eng. [##] Organisation Trait
2022.eng. [##] Convincer Channel
2023.eng. [##] Convincer Mode
2024.eng. "You can get started once you've weighed up the pros and cons."
2025.eng. This would connect with someone who is ..
2026.eng. [##] Proactive
2027.eng. [##] Reactive
2028.eng. [##] Both
2029.eng. "Break the rules, opportunities, having choices" are words which are music to the ears of someone who is which trait?
2030.eng. [##] Procedures
2031.eng. [##] Proactive
2032.eng. [##] Difference
2033.eng. [##] Options
2034.eng. Exactly, precisely, nitty gritty, specifics, are all words you would use to connect with someone who work trait is General.
2035.eng. [##] True
2036.eng. [##] False
2038.eng. Who would suit this holiday down to the ground?
2039.eng. [##] Proactive, Feeling
2040.eng. [##] Sameness, Reactive
2041.eng. [##] Independent, Thinking
2042.eng. "What is important about finding the right job?" is the question to find out what?
2043.eng. [##] Critieria or values?
2044.eng. [##] the Direction Trait?
2045.eng. [##] the Source Trait
2046.eng. "If the Reviews are poor I wouldn't even consider buying the book." How might you respond.
2047.eng. [##] I never read reviews.
2048.eng. [##] You should make up your own mind.
2049.eng. [##] Einstein would say that Reviews are only for those who like the sound of thier own voice.
2051.eng. Who would be motivated by this?
2052.eng. [##] Sameness, Cooperative
2053.eng. [##] Independent, Difference
2054.eng. [##] Procedures, Specific
2055.eng. Giving someone a probabtionary period would make sense to an automatic convincer.
2056.eng. [##] True
2057.eng. [##] False
2058.eng. A book of rules and regulations is a treat for someone who is Reason Trait is procedures.
2059.eng. [##] True
2060.eng. [##] False
2061.eng. Agony Aunt columns are an irrelevance for someone who has a My/Your Rule Structure.
2062.eng. [##] True
2063.eng. [##] False
2064.eng. For recruitment purposes, you have introduced active assessment exercises, although you believe you can spot the right person just by seeing them within the first five minutes.
2065.eng. This is because you are convinced ..
2066.eng. [##] Reading, Consistent
2067.eng. [##] Observing, Automatic
2068.eng. [##] Experiencing, Number of Times
2069.eng. [##] Hearing, Automatic
2071.eng. Who would need to eat each of these to find out if they like them or not [##] those convinced by ...
2072.eng. [##] Seeing
2073.eng. [##] Doing
2074.eng. [##] Hearing
2075.eng. [##] Reading
2076.eng. Asking for references is evidence for someone who is convinced by
2077.eng. [##] observing
2078.eng. [##] reading
2079.eng. [##] experiencing
2080.eng. [##] hearing

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