101.eng. Visual, Auditory, Kinethetic
102.eng. The Visual Thinker
103.eng. If you ask a friend what he or she watched on TV last night, they may say "Let's see...." and then look up to their left (your right).
104.eng. To answer your question, the person will actually see images of what he watched.
105.eng. They locate these pictures in their memory banks.
106.eng. When a person looks up and to his or her left, he or she sees pictures something they've seen before.
107.eng. When they look up and right (your left) they imagine something the Haven't seen.
108.eng. (a dream home, a dream vacation, etc.) Knowing how people pos- sessing a Visual Information Bias understand the world enables you to sell your products, ideas or services VISUALLY, and we'll see in the following information.
109.eng. The following contains a representative, but not exhaustive, list of VISUAL words and sentences for you to study.
110.eng. Words and Visuals Used by VISUAL people:
111.eng. Analyze, Angle, Appears, Aspect, Beautiful, Bird's Eye View, Blinding, Clarity, Clear, Catch a glimpse of, Cognizant, Discern, Distinct, Distinctive, Dream, Examine, Eye to eye, Flash, Focus, Fuzzy, Foresee, Get perspective on, Hazy idea, Horse of another color, Image, Inspect, Look, Mental picture, Mind's eye, Observe, Obscure, Peep, Perceive, Picture, Plain, Read, Realize, See, View.
112.eng. Here are several typical sentences that VISUAL people use frequently:
113.eng. Do you see what I mean?
114.eng. Let me show you how this works
115.eng. This appears to be correct
116.eng. That looks OK to me
117.eng. We're still vague on what the new boss wants
118.eng. I'd like to watch you do it
119.eng. That's a beautiful order
120.eng. Exercise: Here are 2 items from a sales script book we wrote for a client.
121.eng. Rewrite the key words to make them appeal to aVISUAL thinker:
122.eng. You're loyal to my competitor, and I respect your loyalty.
123.eng. But a 5 year contract is a long one.
124.eng. Will they give you the service you will need?
125.eng. 2) Talking price won't solve your production problem or reduce your staff turnover.
126.eng. Information Preference Checklist
127.eng. This checklist will help you measure your own sensory information preferences.
128.eng. If an item below is generally for you, put a check by it.
129.eng. If it is not for you, ignore it.
130.eng. When you get to the bottom of the page, add up the number of checks.
131.eng. Then go on to the next list.
132.eng. Take about 5 minutes for this exercise.
133.eng. Visual Orientation:
134.eng. On an evening when I don't have much to do, I like to watch TV
135.eng. I use visual images to recall names
136.eng. I like to read books, papers and magazines
137.eng. I prefer getting written instructions from my boss, rather than oral instructions
138.eng. I write lists to myself of things I need to do
139.eng. I follow recipes closely when I cook
140.eng. I can easily assemble things if I have written instructions to follow
141.eng. When playing games, I like "Scrabble" or "Password"
142.eng. I am very concerned about the way I look
143.eng. I like going to art exhibits or museum displays
144.eng. I keep a written diary or written record of what I do
145.eng. I often admire photos used in ads
146.eng. I review for tests by writing down a summary of all the pertinent points
147.eng. I can find my way around the city easily with a map
148.eng. I like keeping my house neat looking
149.eng. I see 2 or more films a week
150.eng. I think less of someone that doesn't dress well.
151.eng. I like to watch people wherever I go.
152.eng. I quickly repair scratches or dents in my car's finish
153.eng. I think fresh flowers really brighten a home or office.
154.eng. The total VISUAL ORIENTATION score:
155.eng. The Auditory Thinker
156.eng. If your customer looks down and to his left, (your right) he or she is talking to themselves or hearing words or voices stored in his memory banks.
157.eng. To sell to this individual, you need to meet his preference for auditory input! TALK to this person in greater detail about the features and benefits of your idea or products or systems or services.
158.eng. Brochures are less important to this prospect.
159.eng. This individual will LISTEN to a good verbal presentation with rapt attention.
160.eng. The following contains a representative, but not exhaustive list of auditory words, phrases and sentences used by auditory thinkers to process information.
161.eng. Words an Phrases used by AUDITORY people:
162.eng. Amplify, Announce, Blabber, Converse, Discuss, Dissonant, Earful, Express, Give an ear to, Hear (me out), Hidden message, Hold your tongue, Hush, Idle Talk, Inquire, Listen, Mention, Noise, Out-spoken, Proclaim, Purr, Quiet, Rap session, Roar, Rumor, Say, Shout, Silence, Speak, Squeal, State, Tell, Tone, Tuned in to, Unheard of, Utter, Voice, Well informed, Wordy
163.eng. Here are some typical sentences and Auditory Thinker may use:
164.eng. Do you hear what I'm saying?
165.eng. I can tell you how the system works
166.eng. Does that ring a bell?
167.eng. I've listened to this rap before
168.eng. His remarks were said off the record
169.eng. That sounds interesting, tell me more!
170.eng. Bob tells us their service is excellent
171.eng. Exercise: Answer the following customers using AUDITORY words:
172.eng. I've heard you have the best laser printer on the market in this price range.
173.eng. Sales professionals answer:
174.eng. Before discussing price, I want to talk about what my technical staff has heard about your service.
175.eng. Sales professional answers:
176.eng. Auditory Orientation
177.eng. On an evening when I don’t have anything to do, I like to listen to music
178.eng. To remember someone’s name, I repeat it to myself over and over again
179.eng. I enjoy long conversations
180.eng. I prefer my boss to explain something to me orally rather in a memo5) I like talk radio shows
181.eng. I use ryming words to help me remember things
182.eng. I am a good listener
183.eng. I prefer to keep up with the news by listening to the radio rather than reading a newspaper
184.eng. I talk to myself a lot
185.eng. I prefer to listen to a cassette tape of some material rather than read it.
186.eng. I feel bad when my car sounds funny (pings, knocks, etc.)
187.eng. I can tell much about a person by the sound of his or her voice
188.eng. I buy many CDs and recorded tapes
189.eng. I review for tests by reading my notes aloud or by talking to other people
190.eng. I would rather give a talk on some topic instead of writing a paper on the same topic.
191.eng. I enjoy attending concerts and musical events
192.eng. People sometimes accuse me of talking too much
193.eng. When I’m staying in a strange city, I like to stop at a gas station to get directions
194.eng. I talk to my dog or cat
195.eng. talk to myself when solving a math problem
196.eng. The total AUDITORY ORIENTATION score:
197.eng. The feeling-Action Thinker (Kinesthetic)
198.eng. Some customers frequently look down and to their right (your left).
199.eng. These customers think with their feelings and gut-level emotions.
200.eng. Sell these customers by appealing to feelings and emotions.
201.eng. Tell them how relaxed, satisfied, contented and proud they will feel after purchasing your product.
202.eng. Let them hold it, operate it, feel the finish, or take a walk around it.
203.eng. Communicate with this person in the way that has the greatest impact, that makes the most "sense"
204.eng. The following information contains representative words, phrases, and sentences used by FEELING-ACTION oriented customers.
205.eng. Word and Phrases used by FEELING-ACTION people:
206.eng. Active, Affected, Bear down on, Charge, Come to grips, Cool, Concrete, Cutting edge, Deep, Embrace, Fall apart, Float, Get a handle on, Get in touch with, Get your goat, Hands-on, Hang tough, Heated debate, Heavy, Hot-headed, Hustle, Intuition (having), Keep your shirt on,, lose your shirt, Lukewarm, Motion, Muddle, Rough, Seize, Sensation, Shallow, Shock, Slip-up, Smooth, Snap, Soft, Sore, Stand out, Stir up, Support, Take on, Test, Tie up, Tight, Touch, Uptight, Vie for, Whip
207.eng. Here are some typical sentences used by FEELING-ACTION people:Do you GRASP how it works?
208.eng. I feel you can HANDLE this rough assignment
209.eng. Do you know what risks you'll TAKE ON with this investment?
210.eng. He has a SMOOTH presentation style.
211.eng. Mary FORCED her boss to TAKE A STAND.
212.eng. This car really HUGS the road.
213.eng. Let's put the system THROUGH ITS PACES.
214.eng. Exercise: Respond to the following FEELING-ACTION customers:
215.eng. To push this purchase order through, you're going to have to back me up on delivery!
216.eng. Sales professional's answers:
217.eng. I'm hanging onto old machines that can still cut the mustard.
218.eng. Why should I trash them?
219.eng. Sales professional answers:
220.eng. Feeling, Action Touch Orientation
221.eng. I like to exercise
222.eng. When I'm blindfolded, I can distinguish items by touch
223.eng. When the music's on, I can't help but tap my feet
224.eng. I am an outdoors person
225.eng. I am well coordinated
226.eng. I have a tendency to gain weight
227.eng. I buy some clothing because of the way it feels
228.eng. I like to pet animals
229.eng. I touch people when I talk to them
230.eng. When I was learning to type, I learned the touch system quickly.
231.eng. I was held and touched a great deal when I was a child
232.eng. I enjoy playing sports more than watching them.
233.eng. I really like taking a hot bath at a day's end.
234.eng. I really enjoy getting massages
235.eng. I am a good dancer
236.eng. I belong to a gym, health club or spa.
237.eng. I like to get up and stretch frequently.
238.eng. I can tell a great deal about someone by the way he or she shakes hands.
239.eng. If I've had a bad day, my body gets very tense.
240.eng. I enjoy crafts, handworks and building things.
241.eng. The total FEELING/ACTION ORIENTATION score:
2008.09.21. 08:11 VanHalen
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